23 November 2007

Titget: the incredible widget

Can Crushing Mama! - More bloopers are a click away
Specially build for the female anatomy these widgets allow for some incredible moves..


Bob Stumpel said...

Imagine what she could crush or squeeze with a clitget!

richardk said...

This HAS to be the most tasteful thread on this blog yet.

richardk said...

Actually, the point of this eludes me. How did this come to be? I imagine a fat American guy laying in his Lay-Z Boy recliner, observing his hugely knockered wife. Suddenly he has a brilliant thought: "She might be able to crush beer cans with those".
Ah, America, the only country which went from barbarism to decadence, without passing through civilization (Oscar Wilde).

Bob Stumpel said...

Ha! Didn't you know that that woman is George Lucas' second wife?
If you think this was real, you'll probably accept that StarTrek is a series of IRL documentaries.